Saturday, January 26, 2013

So excited...........

I have been so blessed by all of the messages, texts and phone calls that I have received since making the announcement about my project.  Everyone has been so positive and thoughtful! 

I have had quite a few people ask me what they can do to help. 

Here are two ways that I am asking people to help:

1) If you are capable and willing, I would love to have at least 38 people donate blood to the Florida-Georgia Blood Alliance.  I know that some may not be able to for medical reasons or just personal reasons.  I understand that completely!  If you are able to, I would love to have people donate in the name "Thirty-eight footprints left behind". 
I will be getting all of the final details regarding how and when to do this and will be letting everyone know!

2) This has to be the most important one on the list.  This one is the main reason why I am doing this entire project.

I am asking at least 38 people to commit to sharing the Gospel with one person on my birthday, February 7.  I know that I may not be able to reach 38 people myself, so I am asking if 38 people can just share with 1 person on that day.  Once again, please do not feel as if you HAVE to do anything!  If you don't feel led, I just ask that you pray for the project.  If you do know that you can share Jesus with someone on that day, I would love to know!  I am asking those people who are willing, to leave a comment on the blog with your name.  I can't wait to see how God will show up and show off on this day!  This is going to be such an exciting time and I truly am expecting great things! 

Thank you for being so kind and receptive to God's leading in this project! 


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

You're gonna do.........

That will be the number one question. What  EXACTLY are you doing?


That will be the another big question. WHY am I doing this?

Well, here are the answers in a nutshell.  Kind of a BIG nutshell, but none-the-less.

You see, I am turning 38!  I usually am not a huge fan of birthdays for myself.  I mean, I am grateful that God has chosen to give me another year to serve Him, but the wrinkles and such......that I can do without!  

This year, I wanted to do something different -- take the focus off of me, and put the focus on Jesus. After all, He is the one who died for me and saved me from an eternity of life without Him.  

So here is the WHAT......

38 Random Acts of Kindness. For my birthday, I want to give to others. I want to bless others when they least expect it. I love giving, and I want to be part of something that is bigger than me. Now, I am not rich....far from it, actually. We live on one income so that I am able to be a stay-at-home mom. I have trusted God to provide everything for this idea -- He gave it to me and birthed it in my heart, so I know it will be taken care of. 

Some of these ideas are small. Some of them are pretty big and will be very exciting to pull off! But, all of them will show people that no matter your circumstances, no matter your financial situation, you can make a difference in someone's life. You can be the change!  

The WHY?

Well, I was thinking about random things about six months ago, and God literally popped this idea into my head. I began to get excited -- I mean, really excited thinking about all the possibilities! My mind is still reeling from everything that is still taking shape with this! God is so good and faithful!  

There are so many people who have lost faith -- lost faith in themselves, humanity and most of all, God. I know that one random act of kindness will not restore all of humanity's faith, but it is a step in the right direction. When we take the focus off of ourselves and put it on others, we are forced to see that our situation might not be as bad as we thought. People are hurting and need Jesus. People need to know that there are others out there who care.  

How many times do we see a situation and think, "Someone should do something about that?" Well, you can be that person. What is stopping you? Your imagination and fears are the only things that are keeping you from making a difference. What if you are the only Jesus that someone ever sees?  

If you have seen the movie "Pay It Forward," then you get the concept: simply do a random act of kindness and ask the person to pay it forward. It really is just that simple. You can do whatever God lays on your heart.  

That is what I am doing. Simple, uncomplicated. I will be keeping a running blog as the days go on about how things are lining up. Some things I am having to set up ahead of time.  My actual birthday is February 7 but my first RAOK (random act of kindness) will be on February 1. I am so excited to give back to this place as they have given so much to me and my family! More details and pics to come! This project is scheduled to go from February 1-10. 

I will be asking some of you to help me out with a few things.  I ask that you pray about these acts and if God lays it on your heart to participate, feel free!  I would love to see how He uses you as well! 

Thank you for checking this out, and if you have stuck with reading it this far, I really appreciate it! I covet your prayers and pray blessings upon you!

Please leave comments below if you have any questions. I can't wait to get started!
